The company with more than 10 years of experience, he has brought many new products for the first time in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. After travelling to many foreign countries he saw the vital use of GPS Tracking system and he planned to bring the same to our country too. He explored on many new ideas in the effective use of GPS in many common purposes and invented many application strategies like Gold chain tracking system, two wheeler tracking system, GPS tracking system, school bus traking system and many more…


On each and every action done by the tracking device can be notified with a pop up or via email. The events such as speed violation, Emergency or even the Device signal lost it will generate alert for a customized group of users.

The GPS helps your devices to track the current location on map and you can see the live position of the tracking device. Also you can get custom information when you point on the device on map.

You can add your source and destination in the map. Even you have multiple destinations you can markup in the map according to the priority to get there and you can also attach images or documents related to that coordinates.


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